Overview of services. A member of the Medico-Legal Society of Ireland specialising in assessment of psychological injury in children and adults following adverse experiences, such as a car accident. Dr McKiernan’s medical report writing is consistent with the requirements of the personal injury assessment baord. Opinion expressed is independent and evidence-based with detail provided on prognosis and expected recovery time for the claimant’s injuries to resolve.
How I work. I use my clinical judgement honed through extensive training and professional ML experience to apply knowledge from the scientific discipline of clinical psychology to assess individuals for psychological injury following adverse events, such as a car crash.
Value added. In my assessment reports I present a fine-grained account of the constellation of factors underpinning the client's presenting difficulties. This means that the commissioning party has a comprehensive understanding of the reasons why, in the first place, the individual was predisposed to responding in a particular to an adverse event. The commissioning party also gains insight into the factors that precipitated symptoms, which may or may not be limited to the adverse event. Also accounted for are the kinds of factors that are maintaining the individual's distress, as well as those that are protective of the individual. Informed in this way, the commissioning party is best-placed to act wisely and confidently.
Medico-legal report fees. Medico-legal reports costs vary. Once details are provided in respect of the psychological injury claim, a quotation is given. This includes details of what the medical legal report writing will cover.
“I have found his reports to be very thorough and his evidence in court to be most assured. He is very pleasant to deal with and extremely helpful and I found him courteous and professional from start to finish. I will definitely use Aidan going forward and would not hesitate to recommend him in this capacity.”
“Dr. McKiernan is a highly skilled and competent professional. His medico legal reports are of high quality, being thorough and detailed, and are always completed in good time. I would highly recommend him.”
“We have dealt with Dr McKiernan on a number of different matters and his professionalism in dealing with our firm and clients has been of immense benefit both to our offices and more importantly to the people he treats.”
“Dr McKiernan’s psychological assessment service is highly professional. He conducts assessments in a sensitive client-centred manner and his reports are excellent. I recommend him highly. ”